Monday, February 1, 2010

First Blog

This will be a Short Blog. Its quite late and honestly I'm not sure what I'm doing. Blogging always seemed a foreign concept to my not so tech savy life but Here we Are!

We watched Surrogates and Gamer recently and enjoyed them both. Its intresting that the entertainment industry creates such apprehension of the advancements in virtual reality Or Simulation . Who is to say a close derivative of these scary (and oh so warped) ideas won't become reality in the not so distant future? If these concepts seem too strange in todays society to become actuality I can only imagine how it would have sounded to someone living 100 years ago that people now preoccupy their time by reading an updating quasi-autobiography AKA "Tweets" and "Blogs".

In the words of Scarlett O'Hara "Tommorow is another day"

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