Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Little Smoker that Stopped

Hi there, its been sometime since I’ve had a confidant such as yourself to release my thoughts to. I’m doing Well... “Fine” wouldn’t sound right and Awesome is not quite where I’m at yet but by all the power of my heart, soul and mind I’ll get there with each step I take to a healthier me!

As a Big Bonus since becoming a non-smoker about three months ago I’ve noticed a Huge increase in my lung capacity and overall Energy (not to mention I can now Smell & Taste the Good the Bad and the Ucky again)!!! Truly to one who has never experienced the “pleasure” of smoking they could not imagine the genuine sense of relief that I now feel because I no longer HAVE TO get up every morning and puff a cigarette and then another and another...


Upon our return from Las Vegas I was so sick of inhaling tobacco smog I practically begged my boyfriend to drive me to the nearest Chapters Book store. There I could buy one of those Self-Help books to keep my Nic Fits (AKA withdrawal temper tantrums) at bay. This being my Umpteenth attempt to quit I thought maybe I should try a book method. By this time I’d tried so many ways over and over again to no avail:

-the patch,

-the gum,

-the lozenges,

-the good intentioned promises to family

As Well As

-Super duct tape the cigarette carton then secure them to the freezer And hopefully never get desperate enough to smoke them Plan.


If you’re like me you’re probably thinking that the duct tape idea was a lot like setting myself up for disaster and you know you’re right. Without the proper attitude and understanding it didn’t matter what I did. I kept walking down the path of my own undoing the moment that I “deprived” myself of a cigarette. So how did I become a non-smoker after 4 years of 1pk-1 & ½ pk a day, (minus the miserable minutes of deprivation when I tried to quit before of course)? It all started with the little white book I read. In fact it wasn’t one of those self help books at all.

The author spoke to me as a person, he appealed to me as a smoker but NEVER in a way to make me feel like an inferior human or one to be rebuked for failing to quit before.

After Reading and re-reading the book Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr I lit my last cigarette and smoked it all the way down to the butt and than snuffed it out on Tuesday November 3, 2009. Let me tell you THAT was a most Wonderful feeling and it continues to be! This isn’t a book to be read by one who really doesn’t want to look into quitting smoking and I tell all my friends and family who ask how I did it that if they aren’t ready there isn’t an earthly force that can make them quit smoking. That said I’m pretty sure that given an entirely frank self assessment most of us could come up with a reason or two to stop smoking. I’m not a paid endorser or even affiliated with the publisher of the book so my thoughts are my own. This actually worked for me and just maybe its worth looking at if you’re ready to open yourself to something Fresh.

“The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be the beginning.” ~Ivy Baker Priest

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